StakeWise Tokenomics Proposal (veSWISE)

Interesting discussion here @ottodv @Steel.Key. Feel like this is a very broad topic that is tough to advance on but let’s try and move forward.

Without taking either side, just a suggestion - let’s split the topic at hand into 2 portions:

  1. discussing the merits of locking SWISE in exchange for some benefits
  2. protocol fee distribution. and revisit the earlier discussion about locking SWISE

For (1) someone could compile a summary of the key arguments on each side from this thread and the earlier thread on SWISE locking:

For (2) we could revisit the thread we had before & collect arguments from this thread for a summary as well:

Then the community could discuss the summary and vote. I suggest we start with the locking topic because it seems to invite the most contention and matters the most for the protocol in terms of $ value at play.

What do you guys think?