StakeWise V3 Liquidity - SWISE

That’s sounds like a good idea. The osETH-ETH pool is there anyway. And I suppose this means SWISE can be traded with both ETH and osETH through this pool.

Ideally we would have an osETH-bb-a-WETH pool some time in the future though. Which would mean we’d have to redo the whole pool thing again.

Just for balance.

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Awesome, sounds good. So would it be fair to add the following statement to the SWISE liquidity proposal?

» StakeWise/SLC to actively explore an osETH and/or osETH-BB-a-WETH pairing as soon as possible with the aim to fully migrate incentivised SWISE liquidity away from the SWISE-ETH pool. The caveats here are:

  1. this can only be feasible once osETH liquidity is sufficient and
  2. the routing issue is mitigated, for example via the use of a SWISE <> osETH-BB-a-WETH pairing. Consequently, there will likely be a situation where StakeWise has both a SWISE-ETH pool and a SWISE-osETH(osETH-BB-a-WETH) incentivised in parallel to test the new pool and to safely facilitate the migration of liquidity.


Side note I think it’s likely best to revisit the setup after we know if we want to use boosted pools (or not). Just to avoid migrating pools too often.


Snapshot to ratify the above liquidity strategy is now live - vote here.

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