Swapping rETH2 for sETH2


One thing I was excited about in staking my ETH was compounding it slowly but surely. I was able to swap rETH2 for sETH2 a few times but recently (last few months??) have hit a wall.

I’ve adjusted slippage, reduced swap amount, and tried any number of things. I finally checked with liquidity pool in Uniswap but saw there wasn’t any liquidity.

Could someone help me out here? What am I missing?

Also, what’s the timeline for the ability to withdraw ETH?

Thanks in advance.


Good luck …

They advice to migrate rETH2 or sETH2 to osETH.
I try it and swap doesn´t work at all, in any way.

Even wallet connected to Uniswap shows rETH2 ammount available, but something goes wrong after swap approval in wallet. As you say: hit the wall


It looks like this token has several issues with it that are preventing you from selling.

See here: De.Fi - DeFi Investing & Yield Farming Platform

The big ones are low liquidity and the function to pause transactions.




This one is tough. I would monitor and try again at a later time, but realistically, I’d consider the investment gone until anything changes.


hey guys, sorry for the confusion, but it’s been months that StakeWise has migrated to a new version of contracts, where sETH2 and rETH2 are no longer featured, and there’s been a ton of info about it. And it for sure doesn’t mean your stake is gone.

Please go to app.stakewise.io and click Migrate - this will burn your sETH2 and rETH2 tokens, but keep your stake intact, and it will be autocompounding. Note that there will not be an ERC-20 token representation when you migrate, so you having a stake in StakeWise might not be picked by your wallet. This is normal - it’s done to minimize the number of swaps, which can be considered taxable events. The whole change is explained here: Transitioning to StakeWise V3: The Migration Path | by StakeWise | Medium. If you are keen to confirm that the stake is intact, check your wallet’s portfolio on debank.com, for example.

After you migrated, if you don’t like it, you can unstake ETH from the platform by going to Genesis Vault and pressing the Unstake button there: https://app.stakewise.io/vault/0xac0f906e433d58fa868f936e8a43230473652885

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Hi there,
looks interesting, for those who want to continue holding their crypto staked.
I´m not.
I have my right to redeem rETH2 back to ETH.
Is it possible? Yes. It depends on the DAO to dispause swap.
I consider waiting a little longer before asking authorities to step-in.
There is always a choice.
Kind regards,


I am not sure why you’d want to involve the authorities when I have provided clear instructions for how to unstake from the platform ie redeem your tokens for ETH. Here they are once again:

  1. Migrate sETH2 and rETH2 tokens in the app: https://app.stakewise.io
  2. Click Unstake in the Genesis Vault: StakeWise | Vault
  3. Claim your unstaked assets from the Genesis Vault when they have been unstaked, which can take 24 hours to 9 days, depending on the amount you are withdrawing. Larger amounts take longer due to the Beacon Chain withdrawal process). For this, you will need to press the Claim button when it becomes active.

I hope this is clear. Note that direct rETH2 swap for ETH is no longer possible because liquidity has left the rETH2 market following the protocol upgrade, not because the DAO has “paused” the swap.

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Migrate doesn´t work. I connect my wallet, choose MAX ammount of rETH2, click on “Migrate”, sign" transaction in wallet and after 3 minutes after “waiting confirmation” all back to point zero. Week after week. Any explanation?

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Uniswap team, they explained it well to me …

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