KPIs for StakeWise DAO Ecosystem

I am looking for ideas on how to measure the performance of the StakeWise DAO Ecosystem from the community-at-large.

Some ideas on how to measure the performance include:

  • DAO Members
  • Number of Proposals
  • Amount of Voters
  • Voter Participation (for a given proposal, how many voters voted vs eligible voters)
  • How much money / tokens / assets does our DAO manage?
  • Proposals being created by various members
  • Performance of proposals - members voting for against in proposals
  • In the top percentage of members what are the patterns of involvement?
  • Some sort of scoring mechanism in how decentralized the DAO is - e.g. scoring of power centralized in the hands of a few, or even distribution

What are your thoughts? What other KPIs should the StakeWise DAO consider to measure it’s performance?


Hi, I really like this idea as it will help us track the DAO governance process and understand in which areas we might need to apply some improvements.

The measures you proposed are really good the only gap I see is that if these are to be used as KPIs it would be great to have something to compare each metric against, for example it would be useful to see how our governance is performing compared to other DAOs in the space. This will allow us to understand how our DAO is growing using as benchmark other crypto DAOs and learn from more mature DAOs or come up with innovative ideas in case we see we are lacking behind in some measurments.

I also partecipate in the index coop DAO and they really have a very effective and professional process (i refer to how the decision life cycle happens, and how the structure and discuss proposals).

Maybe one KPI I would like to see is also the usage of the treasury, in teory every SWISE spent / invested should bring some value to the protocol and it would be great to have KPIs on these topics


Great proposal, Thanks Brian.

I am very interested in this topic as DAO’s in general fascinate me.
Possibly 1 metric to consider that is not mentioned here and a little more qualitative would be DAO participant satisfaction similar to the industry standard Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) or NPS.

I believe DAO performance in terms of raw data is only half the story. A regular pulse check of DAO participants is just as important and it gives us alternative data points of which we can generate proposals to “guess what” further improve the DAO participant experience.

It is pretty meta but also super intriguing.

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