StakeWise Landing Page Redesign

Believe it or not, the current landing page for StakeWise is about to become 2 years old. We have received heaps of praise for how sleek & professional it looks, but seeing the pretty pages of other DeFi protocols, the core contributor team believes it too could use a redesign. Don’t you agree?

I decided to create this forum thread to solicit ideas & comments about what we should include on the new landing page for StakeWise. Any ideas & thoughts are welcome from the community members, as we’d love for the new page to reflect the collective vision of the StakeWise DAO.

My thoughts

Without further ado, let me present my personal thoughts on what should be included in the page. I’ll leave the design work to others, but content-wise, here is what I believe should be included in the landing:

  • Figures

    • TVL: Total ETH staked + dollar equivalent
    • Yield: lowest to highest (e.g. staking yield to yield in one of the farms)
    • Validators slashed? Uptime? Something related to security / performance
  • Sections

    • Header - motto / phrase that describes what we do
    • Figures (see above)
    • Supported networks (Ethereum + those that follow)
    • Explanation of how the service works
      1. Stake - small text + illustration
      2. Earn - small text + illustration
      3. Exit - small text + illustration
    • Unique features
      1. Dual tokens: preserving yield wherever you go and reinvesting earnings
      2. Yield maximisation: stake on decentralized infrastructure, avoid APR dilution
      3. ??? (wild card new feature)
    • Node Operators - who are the parties making our networks secure & decentralized
    • Integrations - DeFi / CeFi venues for applying staked assets for extra yield
      • possible to put the node operators and integrations side by side with small logos?
    • Blog articles (blog coming right up)
    • Footer

Open floor

What is your vision for the StakeWise landing page? What are the examples of great front pages by other projects you’ve been using?

All feedback is greatly appreciated.


+1 for all the information here.

When I first came to the Stakewise website, I had one question in mind: what made this organization a better place to stake than others?

@kiriyha covers these a little in the ‘Unique features’ section, but I think this is worth emphasizing: you can make more money here than Lido (because of dual token, non-diluted APR), have a [somewhat] decentralized infrastructure, and avoid the complexities & minimum ETH requirement of RocketPool node operation.

We’d all benefit from more whales, and I guess whales would have some different criteria than I did, but that’s my $.02 as a consumer-level staker.

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I think what you proposed is a good balance between “less is more” and “good amount of info”. Put details into subpages and keep overall info on the front. This looks proper to me.

I’d just stress to make it SEO friendly and keep SEO in mind from the start. Proper focus phrases, keyword research and all that.

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In the simplest form, a website is designed to communicate information. The question then frankly is what information do we need to communicate?

To answer that, we almost need to understand who we are communicating to. Once we understand who we are communicating to - and then their needs, we can then start to focus on what information should be present in the web site.

If we were to “take a page” from a corporate website (bad pun intended), we would see that a typical website will have different pages for different audiences - e.g.

  • one for consumers - someone who wants to buy the product
  • we may see one for institutions - companies that may buy products in bulk/volume
  • we may see another for investors - someone who wants to buy stock in the company
  • other pages for niche audiences, e.g. environmentalists, privacy advocates and so on

Maybe what we need to do first is identify the audience we want to communicate to.

  1. Institutional Investors
  2. At home investors
  3. VCs
  4. ETH Whales
  5. Small stakers (like me)
  6. Solo stakers
  7. Node Operators
  8. StakeWise employees
  9. StakeWise DAO
  10. Crypto Developers
  11. Others???

Then once it’s determined who the intended audience is for you can then start to craft the landing / splash page that would be designed to direct the audience to the appropriate secondary / sub page / section that has the relevant content and figures catered to them.

  • For example StakeWise has APIs - we wouldn’t necessarily display API information to an Institutional Investor, but a Crypto Developer might be interested in the API.
  • For stakers, we may want to see what our ROI is.
  • For VCs, they may be more interested in company information and employees and so on.

and then yes like @Athiriyya said - what are the selling points to all audience members as to why StakeWise is the superior platform to not only stake on, but also to develop for. This will help catalyze integration growth.

Also as @cryptochrome said - we can use SEO not only to help drive people to the pages, but then to take it one step further - to see if people interact and use the content itself (e.g. of value).

Pretty is nice for the first initial wow factor, but valuable and frequently updated content will make people bookmark a page and return to it from time to time.



Yes yes yes 1000X yes.
The current landing page leaves a lot to be desired and this initiative is a great first step to improving it.

Heres my thoughts:

@brianchilders comment is the first place to start for sure.
Who is the landing page primarily for?
Additionally which groups or audience brings the most value to Stakewise (Grow)?
Which groups have potential to bring more value (Nurture)?

Based on above what does the ideal user journey look like.

Once we define these targets, content can be better curated and all other information can be pushed to sub content for those who are interested and SEO purposes.

Before digging too much into the sitemap it is worth asking what kind of benchmarking we have on the existing website?

  • how many visitors does the site attract per month?
  • what is the CTR of the existing header CTA?
  • what is the general behaviour of those visiting the website
  • what is the conversion % of those who click through to the app becoming a Stakewise customer
  • how well are we ranking in SEO?

I do not expect all of these details to exist or currently be tracked but being aware of this telemetry would be a key plugin to any design or information architecture updates.

Knowing these metrics also allow us to measure success of changes as benchmarks. I would also like to add that these are great performance metrics to share with the community on some kind of cadence.

  • New site increased CTR by x% in the last quarter for example would be great additions to the community calls.

Some thoughts on Information architecture:

There are a few existing patterns on successful Defi products I believe we could leverage.

  • yield calculators over periods of time are a good way of showing prospective buyers the direct value impact they need to continue

  • price anchoring is also another tactic to deploy for potential customers to understand value

  • Trust is a big one too and the introduction of the team and its institutional investors can be leveraged to build trust

Initial steps to take

  • draft goals for the new site (Include key kpi’s, other targets etc. This will inform the foundational direction of the work to come)

  • draft user journeys for key target audiences

  • establish metric benchmarks for existing media

  • conduct research/interviews to gain feedback on the existing media from the community

  • I would also recommend engaging with a research firm to conduct testing and gather insights from an audience outside of the Stakewise community focused on existing media and competiors. (This would come with additional costs but would yield higher performance etc)

  • establish a working group in charge of delivering the updated site

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Overall, agreee with the points you raise @kiriyha
Personally, I think the most important is: 1) transparency e.g., safety, who the node operators are (= decentralization) and 2) what is our unique selling point or differentiation vs. other staking services and 3) TVL and yield to give a sense of our scale and what users can get out of our service. Especially in Etherium, smaller users care about estimating beforehand if it will be worth staking or not vs. gas fees. hope my thoughts help!

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Fantastic point @brianchilders. Indeed, there are plenty of audiences we could be talking to, and the information should be tailored to address what x audience is looking for. We need to keep in mind that we are ¨selling¨ our services, and we are competing for e.g., TVL, consumers, developers, node operators etc.

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It would be great to show the audits Stakewise has done from 3rd party auditors. This was and has only been my main thing.

I want to add that it would great to really showcase that StakeWise higher APR and the benefit of the two-token system (ELI5 version). Also, could be worth comparing it to the main competitors.

Some great things also mentioned above:

  1. Like @brianchilders said, who do we want to attract?
  2. Do we track any basic web track information?