CryptoManufaktur: Allocate 800 keys on Ethereum mainnet

CryptoManufaktur: Allocate 800 keys on Ethereum mainnet


Operator description: CryptoManufaktur
Servers geographical location: Kubernetes in AWS ap-southeast-2 (Sydney); consensus and execution clients in Servers Australia baremetal in Sydney-1, Sydney-2 and Melbourne
Consensus layer clients: Lighthouse,Teku
Execution layer clients: Erigon, Besu
Number of keys requested: 800

We are currently running three load-balanced CL:EL combinations for 250 keys.


  • DAO calls addOperator function of PoolValidators contract with the following parameters:

    • operator: 0x59eCf48345A221E0731E785ED79eD40d0A94E2A5
    • depositDataMerkleRoot: 0xbf92e48c858ddcb68a48b1e4f093dae0f9fe5560e0c144a5508544e5932daf30
    • depositDataMerkleProofs: /ipfs/QmWeVNemCfiZwJrHBV83e5Nme2UWPRaWvtjRPnExCsNX9D
  • If the proposal will be approved, the operator must perform the following steps:

    • Call operator-cli sync-vault or operator-cli sync-local with the same mnemonic as used for generating the proposal
    • Create or update validators and make sure the new keys are added
    • Call commitOperator from the 0x59eCf48345A221E0731E785ED79eD40d0A94E2A5 address

Share the encrypted validator key shares with the committee members through Telegram:

  • @kiriyha1: /home/ubuntu/committee/kiriyha1-59ecf483-2-mainnet.shard
  • @gleb0x: /home/ubuntu/committee/gleb0x-59ecf483-2-mainnet.shard
  • @ali_run: /home/ubuntu/committee/ali_run-59ecf483-2-mainnet.shard
  • @ottodv: /home/ubuntu/committee/ottodv-59ecf483-2-mainnet.shard
  • @tsudmi: /home/ubuntu/committee/tsudmi-59ecf483-2-mainnet.shard


! Please make sure to examine the operator overview here before voting!

Should the StakeWise DAO add to CryptoManufaktur’s allocation on Ethereum mainnet with an additional 800 keys?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


As always, we invite StakeWise DAO members as well as the members of the existing node operator set to share thoughts & comment on the proposal.


Vote Here: Snapshot

Deposit data verification:

python stakewise_cli/ verify-deposit-data --ipfs-hash /ipfs/QmWeVNemCfiZwJrHBV83e5Nme2UWPRaWvtjRPnExCsNX9D
Please choose the network name (mainnet, goerli, perm_goerli, gnosis) [mainnet]:
Enter the expected merkle root of the deposit data: 0xbf92e48c858ddcb68a48b1e4f093dae0f9fe5560e0c144a5508544e5932daf30
Enter the expected number of keys in deposit data: 800
Verifying deposit data from /ipfs/QmWeVNemCfiZwJrHBV83e5Nme2UWPRaWvtjRPnExCsNX9D...		  [####################################]  800/800
Verifying validators are not registered...		  [####################################]  800/800
The deposit data from /ipfs/QmWeVNemCfiZwJrHBV83e5Nme2UWPRaWvtjRPnExCsNX9D has been successfully verified

Shards verification:

python stakewise_cli/ verify-shard-pubkeys
Enter IPFS hash for operator deposit data to verify: /ipfs/QmWeVNemCfiZwJrHBV83e5Nme2UWPRaWvtjRPnExCsNX9D
Enter total number of shards to verify: 5
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 0
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 0 committee member (1/5): /ipfs/QmSgQo5C44MsVF53sxZKeP2stLEdcj1CWP6cJgHnovYhBH
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 1
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 1 committee member (2/5): /ipfs/QmdtXKFuQ8gz78t8yrWrt632aK94VrtDcfLtnVf6R8u1Lh
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 2
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 2 committee member (3/5): /ipfs/Qmco5s7u5JB1n1eRfg5TSF76ENvYbPtHhs9FYNWnr4Rcts
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 3
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 3 committee member (4/5): /ipfs/QmXeCT7LfhN7Ymjhyo5CZGBKFf8gYKboDMyCGZJLPrn5HL
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 4
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 4 committee member (5/5): /ipfs/QmXLHKBjqJWccBfrNBDSpsNioShLxoT1vFEyJPBu9J8F3w
Reconstructing public keys from shards		  [####################################]  800
Successfully verified operator shards