CryptoManufaktur: Allocate an additional 4,000 keys on the Gnosis Chain Network

CryptoManufaktur: Allocate an additional 4,000 keys on the Gnosis Chain Network


Operator description: CryptoManufaktur
Servers geographical location: Kubernetes in AWS us-east-2; consensus and execution clients in OVH baremetal in US-East, US-West, Canada-East
Consensus layer clients: Lighthouse, Prysm
Execution layer clients: Nethermind, OpenEthereum
Number of keys requested: 4,000 keys

We are currently running three load-balanced CL:EL combinations for 1,000 keys, and will add an additional three to support this new allocation. We will monitor sync committee performance closely, in collaboration with Stakewise, and adjust the infrastructure to account for the load seen.


  • DAO calls addOperator function of PoolValidators contract with the following parameters:

    • operator: 0x59eCf48345A221E0731E785ED79eD40d0A94E2A5
    • depositDataMerkleRoot: 0x73ed99b55c6df9da2beef8638d6f26e2fcfc0dc4c0d163cf1e98806eef17cd4d
    • depositDataMerkleProofs: /ipfs/QmaCfwMcNnk9Wwc9xWuceeVmPzfgwWwaQeWNFkkzLjj4Sa
  • If the proposal will be approved, the operator must perform the following steps:

    • Call operator-cli sync-vault or operator-cli sync-local with the same mnemonic as used for generating the proposal
    • Create or update validators and make sure the new keys are added
    • Call commitOperator from the 0x59eCf48345A221E0731E785ED79eD40d0A94E2A5 address

Share the encrypted validator key shares with the committee members through Telegram:

  • @kiriyha1: /home/ubuntu/committee/kiriyha1-59ecf483-2.shard
  • @gleb0x: /home/ubuntu/committee/gleb0x-59ecf483-2.shard
  • @ali_run: /home/ubuntu/committee/ali_run-59ecf483-2.shard
  • @ottodv: /home/ubuntu/committee/ottodv-59ecf483-2.shard
  • @tsudmi: /home/ubuntu/committee/tsudmi-59ecf483-2.shard


! Please make sure to examine the operator overview here before voting!

Should the StakeWise DAO add to CryptoManufaktur’s allocation on the Gnosis Chain network with an additional 4,000 keys?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


As always, we invite StakeWise DAO members as well as the members of the existing node operator set to share thoughts & comment on the proposal.


Shards verification:

Enter IPFS hash for operator deposit data to verify: /ipfs/QmaCfwMcNnk9Wwc9xWuceeVmPzfgwWwaQeWNFkkzLjj4Sa
Enter total number of shards to verify: 5
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 0
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 0 committee member (1/5): /ipfs/QmcAuuAfyopzb5B1A9ebs7WdeYo2jqq8ZR1NCVCbUnfRgs
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 1
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 1 committee member (2/5): /ipfs/QmdUCD4gw8gry8nAy9PHg3FsVNnL46HsvV27abnTvkRMZ9
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 2
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 2 committee member (3/5): /ipfs/QmU1NJ8EnPzC64bUS9KhhmArB7u2Mm7bZayuhJpEcG3dzL
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 3
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 3 committee member (4/5): /ipfs/QmZXSJ4yPigBsJDeD557BwXgtEdHYhCWUmStWAqVFfWqnX
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 4
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 4 committee member (5/5): /ipfs/QmUNk2WpfNRiZQZxDRZm1ycvVWPUgfYBjNfcj9UKfUhLto
Reconstructing public keys from shards		  [####################################]  4000
Successfully verified operator shards
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