StakeWise Labs: Allocate 5000 keys on the Gnosis Network


Operator description: StakeWise Labs
Servers geographical location: Australia (GCP)
Consensus layer clients: Lighthouse
Execution layer clients: Nethermind
Number of keys requested: 5000 keys


  • DAO calls addOperator function of PoolValidators contract with the following parameters:

    • operator: 0xF37c8F35fc820354b402054699610C098559ae44
    • depositDataMerkleRoot: 0x2c7c9db4c93663ea665b830f336da428c589351beaa50e50b1597b3e12d0dd8d
    • depositDataMerkleProofs: /ipfs/QmUz3UYT1DxkZaLfsGq4vWrXcezyTDcQV8ALT58UR2LZpp
  • If the proposal will be approved, the operator must perform the following steps:

    • Call operator-cli sync-vault or operator-cli sync-local with the same mnemonic as used for generating the proposal
    • Create or update validators and make sure the new keys are added
    • Call commitOperator from the 0xF37c8F35fc820354b402054699610C098559ae44 address


Should the StakeWise DAO onboard StakeWise as Node Operator with 5000 keys on the Gnosis Chain network?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


As always, we invite StakeWise DAO members as well as the members of the existing node operator set to share thoughts & comment on the proposal.

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Deposit Data verification:

python stakewise_cli/ verify-deposit-data --ipfs-hash /ipfs/QmUz3UYT1DxkZaLfsGq4vWrXcezyTDcQV8ALT58UR2LZpp
Please choose the network name (mainnet, goerli, perm_goerli, gnosis) [mainnet]: gnosis
Enter the expected merkle root of the deposit data: 0x2c7c9db4c93663ea665b830f336da428c589351beaa50e50b1597b3e12d0dd8d
Enter the expected number of keys in deposit data: 5000
Verifying deposit data from /ipfs/QmUz3UYT1DxkZaLfsGq4vWrXcezyTDcQV8ALT58UR2LZpp...		  [####################################]  5000/5000
Verifying validators are not registered...		  [####################################]  5000/5000
The deposit data from /ipfs/QmUz3UYT1DxkZaLfsGq4vWrXcezyTDcQV8ALT58UR2LZpp has been successfully verified
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Committee Shards verification:

python stakewise_cli/ verify-shard-pubkeys
Enter IPFS hash for operator deposit data to verify: /ipfs/QmUz3UYT1DxkZaLfsGq4vWrXcezyTDcQV8ALT58UR2LZpp
Enter total number of shards to verify: 5
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 0
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 0 committee member (1/5): /ipfs/QmbhcRNugGgNJyofAnVUoaUVA71S6QM25w4x9hzdE1c6zW
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 1
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 1 committee member (2/5): /ipfs/QmVFucLB6JftBAGVR8dmQwj7ZFnRQsHbd57AcK3xqRi1qi
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 2
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 2 committee member (3/5): /ipfs/QmXojshC8o7M6eoe5mCsBJu8crffwodTD1pXnjtGoZofDm
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 3
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 3 committee member (4/5): /ipfs/QmUy5MoSosECkYVFp46ATu9WYS1mpXBHXTnxoTtCKEQaUf
Enter committee member position number (index in stakewise.eth ENS record): 4
Enter the shard public keys IPFS hash for 4 committee member (5/5): /ipfs/QmR7ASfBSbggEzLsGzGHNNv33munVf55k2Vf9ZCY5ZtfqL
Reconstructing public keys from shards		  [####################################]  5000
Successfully verified operator shards
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